Mock Servers

A mock server imitates a real server by providing realistic responses to requests.

It is simulated to work as a real server so that we can test our APIs and check the response or errors.  A mock server behaves like a real server which is used for testing and development purpose. 

For unit tests, mock ILS server(s) simulate API calls to and from each library.

  • Receives calls from test code

  • Replies with fake responses , initialized by test code

  • Triggered from unit test code

Test Servers

Test servers are used for integration tests, in which ILS test server(s) receive and send real API calls as if they are real live systems, but without modifying a production ILS ensuring that the connections between systems are working properly.

Both types of servers are necessary to properly test whether any changes to the code will work in production.

  • Receives ILS calls from integration test code

  • Replies with valid responses

  • Maintains internal database of test data, initialized by test suite

Mock services & test servers needed


  • Sierra ILS

  • Millenium Patron API

  • SIP2


  • Voyager

  • CLIO

  • Blacklight


  • Voyager

  • ILLiad

  • Blacklight


Basic Setup

Mock servers are located on the client network

Princeton University (PUL) and Columbia University (CL) have SIP2 servers.

NewYork public library (NYPL) has exposed REST API’s
