Receives ILS calls from integration test code
Replies with valid responses
Maintains internal database of test data, initialized by the test suite
Mock services & test servers needed
Mock servers are located on the client network. For mock servers to work, Gateway and CIRC server should be working. Mock servers are running in the Docker containers.
Princeton University (PUL) and Columbia University (CL) have SIP2 servers.
Hence below Mock servers are built:
PUL/CUL SIP2 Mock Server
CL SIP 2 Mock Server
NYPL REST Mock Server
LAS Mock Server
When Request is placed to SIP2 server it will convert the request to string and while passing the response it will convert string to the response
NYPL REST Mock Server
For getting the request and sending the response it uses RESTful Services.
LAS Mock Server
It uses ActiveMQ. When a request is placed in the gateway, gateway passes it to the CIRC server and the CIRC server will call the LAS server, from LAS, the response is sent to CIRC and in turn, CIRC passes it to the gateway.
Property Files
Info |
Mock Server Connections ils.nypl.sip.server.url= ils.nypl.sip.server.port=8012 ils.princeton.port=8012 ils.columbia.port=8012 ils.princeton= ils.columbia= ils.nypl.data.api = gfa.item.status = |
Info |
PUL Credentials informations ils.princeton.operator.user.id= recap ils.princeton.operator.password= recap ils.princeton.operator.location= location |
Info |
CUL Credentials informations ils.columbia.operator.user.id= recap ils.columbia.operator.password= recap ils.columbia.operator.location= CIRCrecap |
Info |
NYPL Credentials informations ils.nypl.operator.user.id= htc_scsb ils.nypl.operator.password= m0Fg7xbm3ZPq5djD3gBHTu3mQYrBpf6U ils.nypl.oauth.token.api= https://isso.nypl.org/oauth/token ils.nypl.bibdata= https://qa-platform.nypl.org/api ils.nypl.bibdata.parameter= /v0.1/-recap/nypl-bibs?barcode={barcode}&customercode={customercode} |
Docker Commands
SIP2 Mock Server
sudo docker run --name phase4-sip2-mock-server --restart always -v /data:/recap-vol -p 8012:8012 -e "ENV=-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/recap-vol/phase4-scsb-mock-nypl-server/heapdump/ -Dorg.apache.activemq.SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES="*" -Dspring.config.location=/recap-vol/config/external-application.properties" -d phase4-sip2-mock-server
NYPL Mock Server
sudo docker build -t phase4-scsb-mock-nypl-server .
sudo docker run --name phase4-scsb-mock-nypl-server -p 8090:8090 -e "DB_HOST=" -e "DB_USERNAME=recap" -e "DB_PASSWORD=recap" -e "DB_PORT=3306" -d phase4-scsb-mock-nypl-server
sudo docker inspect phase4-scsb-mock-nypl-server | grep IPAddress
LAS Mock Server
sudo docker build -t phase4-scsb-mock-las-server .
docker images | grep none | awk '{ print $3; }' | xargs docker rmi
sudo docker run --name phase4-scsb-mock-las-server --restart always -v /data:/recap-vol -p 9103:9103 -e "ENV=-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/recap-vol/phase4-scsb-mock-las-server/heapdump/ -Dorg.apache.activemq.SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES="*" -Dspring.config.location=/recap-vol/config/external-application.properties" -d phase4-scsb-mock-las-server
Example -
Request For Request Item
Code Block |
"author": "Mathematische Poetik ",
"bibId": "15",
"callNumber": "P311.xM315",
"chapterTitle": "Mathematische Poetik / von Solomon Marcus ; aus dem Rumaenichen uebertragen von Edith Mandroiu.",
"deliveryLocation": "PA",
"emailAddress": "test@gmail.com",
"endPage": "",
"issue": "",
"itemBarcodes": [
"itemOwningInstitution": "PUL",
"patronBarcode": "45678912",
"requestNotes": "Test",
"requestType": "RETRIEVAL",
"requestingInstitution": "PUL",
"startPage": "",
"titleIdentifier": "",
"trackingId": "",
"username": "",
"volume": ""
Response for Request Item
Code Block |
"patronBarcode": "45678912",
"itemBarcodes": [
"requestType": "RETRIEVAL",
"deliveryLocation": "PA",
"requestingInstitution": "PUL",
"bibliographicId": null,
"expirationDate": null,
"screenMessage": "Message received, your request will be processed",
"success": true,
"emailAddress": "test@gmail.com",
"titleIdentifier": ""