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The Export Data Dump is a REST Service that allows partners to export bibliographic records in SCSB database into their chosen format (MARCXML or SCSB Schema XML). The use case detailing this service can be found here. Information on the parameters that are to be passed as part of the REST call are detailed in the Swagger documentation found in this link, <environment>:9093/swagger-ui.html#/data-dump-rest-controller, where, <environment> can be (or)


The response which contains the XML content can either be returned as HTML or through FTP. This is configured through the request parameter, transmissionType. A cap of 100 records is set for HTML response. Anything above this cap or if the parameter is left empty then the result is transmitted as FTP. The location where the XML files are uploaded in the FTP is configured in the application-<environment>.properties file. The file is found under scsb-etl/src/main/resources/ folder.

Usually, the FTP location is /share/recap/data-dump/<environment>/<partnercode>/<outputformat>. So for example, if someone is looking for a file generated for PUL an Institution (requestingInstitutionCode input parameter) in tst environment with MarcXML as the output format, then the FTP location is /share/recap/data-dump/tst/PULInstitution/MarcXml


ParameterData TypeDescription
institutionCodesStringInstitution code(s) of the partner(s) whose shared or open item information updates are being requested. Use PUL for Princeton, CUL for Columbia and NYPL for New York Public Library. Two institution codes can be simultaneously requested by separating the codes with a comma (,) without any space between. For example, to request for Princeton and Columbia records, use PUL,CUL as the value.
requestingInstitutionCodeStringInstitution code of the partner who is requesting for the shared or open item information updates. Use PUL for Princeton, CUL for Columbia and NYPL for New York Public Library.
fetchTypeStringThere are two types of export - Incremental and Deleted. Incremental would bring those records that have been incrementally added (through Ongoing Accession) to SCSB. Deleted would bring those records that have been removed (through Deaccession) from SCSB and those records that earlier had an Open or Shared Collection Group Designation (CGD) but have been moved to Private. Use 1 to choose Incremental and 2 to choose Deleted.
outputFormatStringSCSB allows exporting of records in two different formats - MARCXML and SCSBXML (more details here). Deleted record information is always exported in the JSON format. The values in this parameter allows the user to select the format type. Use 0 for MARCXML, 1 for SCSBXML and 2 for the JSON format.
dateStringDate and Time mentioned here is considered and only those data that were added, removed or modified are retrieved and exported as part of the export process. The format followed is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. For example, to consider data from 1:00 PM, 09th of June 2017, use 2017-06-09 13:00
collectionGroupIdsStringUser can choose to export only those records with CGD as Shared or Open using this parameter. Use 1 to export records with Shared CGD, 2 to export records with Open CGD. Leaving this parameter empty without any value considers both Shared and Open CGD records for export.
transmissionTypeStringTransmission is either through HTTP (show as part of response) or through FTP (export and save files to a FTP location configured in SCSB). There is a limit of 100 records to show as part of the HTTP transmission type. Requests that return more than a 100 records are exported through FTP automatically. Use 0 for FTP transmission type and 1 for HTTP transmission type. Leaving this parameter empty without any value considers the transmission type as FTP.
emailToAddressStringEmail address to whom an email will be sent upon completion of the export process.
