SCSB Check-in Item

SCSB Check-in Item

The Check-in Item API is an internal call made by SCSB as part of the refile and accession API calls. The check-in call is made to change the item availability status in the partner's ILS to 'Available' post transit to Storage Location facility. It is also done as part of the request API call when the request fails and the check-out call has to be reversed.

Request - Check-in-Item
API End Point : /requestItem/checkinItem
Request - Check-in Item
  "itemBarcodes": [
    "PULTST54330" // Item Barcode. Common across Storage Location, ILS and SCSB.
  "itemOwningInstitution": "<Institution>", // Item owning Institution. Example values are PUL, CUL and NYPL.
  "patronIdentifier": "<Patron ID>" // The patron barcode issued by the partner ILS.
Response - Check-in Item
  "itemBarcode": "<Item Barcode>",
  "itemOwningInstitution": "",
  "screenMessage": "Checkin successful.",
  "success": true,
  "alert": false,
  "magneticMedia": false,
  "resensitize": true,
  "transactionDate": "04-Jan-2017 07:11:42",
  "institutionID": "",
  "patronIdentifier": null,
  "titleIdentifier": "1999 : the world of tomorrow : selections from the Futurist : a journal of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future / edited by Edward Cornish.",
  "dueDate": "",
  "feeType": null,
  "securityInhibit": null,
  "currencyType": null,
  "feeAmount": null,
  "mediaType": "",
  "bibId": null,
  "permanentLocation": "rcpqk RECAP Music Lib.",
  "sortBin": null,
  "collectionCode": "rcpqk",
  "callNumber": "CB161 .N56",
  "destinationLocation": null,
  "alertType": "",
  "holdPatronId": null,
  "holdPatronName": null,
  "isbn": null,
  "lccn": null