Release Notes SCSB v0.9.33 [Prod]
Release Notes SCSB v0.9.33 [Prod]
Commit Id, date and version
1) Tag:
scsb-solr-client : 0.9.33
scsb-etl : 0.9.33
scsb-circ : 0.9.33
scsb : 0.9.33
scsb-shiro : 0.9.33
scsb-ui : 0.9.33
2) Date:
19th August 2017
3) DB Changes:
- MS-27 - Added OWNING_INST_ID_SEQ table for generate owning inst bib id, owning inst holdings id, owning item bib id for dummy records
4) Solr Changes:
This Prod release is a culmination of all tasks that were part of the previous UAT releases and SCSB version 0.9.33.
The individual release notes of the SCSB versions are listed under 'Test' below 'Release Notes' (Test).
A consolidated list of independent JIRAs is below.