Clicking on the Incomplete Records radio button, the user is presented with a Show By dropdown where the user can pick a partner institution. Incomplete records are those bibliographic records that were found lacking critical information such as Collection Group Designation and Use Restriction. Also if the ILS of the partner institution doesn't respond with a valid bib record when GFA calls the Accession API, SCSB records the data as an incomplete record with title and author as dummy. The incomplete records are to be made complete by the partner institution by using the Submit Collection API to edit the data. The incomplete records can also be exported as CSV file for processing using the 'Export Records' button at the bottom right corner.
Clicking on 'Request Exception' radio button, User is presented with a 'show by' dropdown where User can pick the Institution and then selects the Date range to Generate Report. This Report shows the Request entries which did not got completed because of some error or exception. The error message is shown under 'Request Notes' column so that User gets to know the reason of Request that didn't went through successfully.