Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled Jobs are the processes which runs in the application on Daily and Monthly basis. Below are the list of Daily and Monthly jobs.

List of Daily Jobs

Job Name



Job Name



Accession To Data Export Jobs In Sequence

SCSB executes end of day jobs in sequence as these jobs need to be executed one after another, these jobs are

  1. Accession Job

  2. Submit Collection Job

  3. Ongoing Matching Algorithm Job

  4. CGD Round Trip Report

  5. Daily Incremental Data Export Job

  6. Delete records for all institutions


Accession Batch

This job processes all accession requests from storage locations that were corrected during the day. More details are available at

Accession Batch

Daily: Part of Sequence Job

Submit Collection

This job processes all files deposited for updating the bib, holding and item records. File are picked up from S3 Server.


Daily: Part of Sequence Job

Ongoing Matching Algorithm

This job process all bibliographic records that are qualified for matching algorithm based on the changes of control numbers like ISBN, OCLC, LCCN, ISSN and Title and CGD values

Daily: Part of Sequence Job

CGD Round Trip Report

A report with all CGD changes from shared to open by ongoing matching algorithm job is made available on S3 drive and email notification is sent to partners.

Daily: Part of Sequence Job

Daily Incremental Data Export Job

All the records which are newly accessioned and all records that are updated by partners, data is exported and made available for institutions on S3 drive. Data of shared and open records of other partners is exported to each partner.

Daily: Part of Sequence Job

Delete records for all institutions

The job captures all deleted records in SCSB for tables related to bibliographic, holdings, items and provide this data to all institutions in JSON format, this is available in S3 drive and an email notification is sent on completion of the job


Daily LAS Transaction Reconciliation

The job reconciles the daily LAS transactions with SCSB.


Purge Exception Requests

This job purges all exception requests that are older than 365 days (number of days is configurable)


Purge Accession Requests

This job purges all the accession requests that are completed and older than 365 days (number of days is configurable)


Purge Email Address

The job purges the patron email addresses entered in SCSB as part of requests. In case of physical requests, it will be purged 90 days after refile and in case of EDD, 60 days from the date of fulfillment. The number of days are configurable.





List of Monthly Jobs

Job Name



Job Name



Periodic LAS Barcode Reconciliation

The job does periodic barcode reconciliation between SCSB and LAS

First Saturday of every month

Periodic LAS Item Status Reconciliation

The job does a periodic status reconciliation between SCSB and LAS.

First Saturday of every month