SCSB RESTful Services

SCSB middleware supports access to various functions via RESTful services

ServicesConsumerVolume ConstraintsComments
Data Dump

Export Data DumpPartners< = 100 XMLs as HTML response
Export Data Dump (with To date)Internal< = 100 XMLs as HTML response

Purge Email AddressesInternal

Purge Exception RequestsInternal


Cancel Hold of an ItemInternal1
Cancel RequestPartners & ReCAP1
Check-In ItemInternal1
Check-Out ItemInternal1
Create Bibliographic recordInternal1
Hold ItemInternalUnlimited
Item InformationInternal1
Patron InformationInternal1
Refile ItemReCAPUnlimited
Request ItemPartners

Validate Item Request InfoInternal



AccessionReCAP10 items currently, can be scaled up
Accession BatchReCAPUnlimited
Bib Availability StatusPartnersUnlimited
Item Availability StatusPartnersUnlimited
Submit Collection RecordsPartners100 items currently, can be scaled up
Transfer Holdings and ItemsPartners1
  • Live APIs would be available in this location after deployment - where, <environment> can be (or)
  • 1  denotes it takes in multiple items but must belong to the same bibliographic record, have the same customer code and share the same availability status.
  • WIP denotes Work In Progress
  • (tick) are for those APIs that are integrated with the respective ILS' services and ReCAP's GFA LAS' services.