Maintenance and support
SCSB has some backend processes which does the maintenance and support work, one of these includes :
Monthly Barcode Reconciliation :
The barcode reconciliation process identifies the discrepancies and puts them in a report. We (SCSB support), then analyze the report manually to fix any mismatch if it is present in the report and SCSB database.
Every month first Saturday, GFA will send a gzip file extension to SCSB that contains barcodes, owning institution, and status. The file will be placed in AWS S3 server following the below path
Steps to run barcode reconciliation manually:
Move file from /scsb-prod/data-feed/ims/monthly-reconciliation/RECAP to /scsb-prod/data-feed/ims/accession-reconciliation .
Start PeriodicLASBarcodeReconciliation batch jobs with no parameters in phase4-scsb-batch-scheduler.
Once the job gets over, a report that contains barcode and customer code will be generated under /scsb-prod/reports/reconciliation/ims/accession-reconciliation/processed/RECAP/
Get the barcodes from the report institution-wise and check them in the SCSB database item_t table.
If the barcodes present in the SCSB database, look at whether the link is missed in between tables or not indexed in solr-admin.
If not indexed, index them in phase4-scsb-doc ----> Solr-partial-index ---> BibIdList ---> Bibid