Request flow between SCSB and Harvard Library
Request flow between SCSB and Harvard Library
HL>HL (HL Requesting own item)
title HL -> HL ( HL Requesting its own item). This is not for EDD
#This is not for EDD
Alma->Alma: (Dummy)
HL->Alma: Patron places hold Request
HL->Request Translator: Evaluate the request
HL->SCSB: SCSB: RequestItem
SCSB->SCSB: Validate the request
SCSB->HL: Success(real time)/failure
note left of HL: If failure
HL->Alma: Do nothing
SCSB->HL: Failure Message
note left of HL: If Success
SCSB->SCSB: Make the item in SCSB not available(real time)
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the message Q with Request Info
ActiveMQ->SCSB:Read the message
SCSB->RECAP: Check Item Availability in RECAP
note left of RECAP: If item is available?
SCSB->RECAP: Retrieval Item Order
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->HL: Place the item for shipment
HL->HL: Staff discharge the item at destination, place on hold shelf
HL->HL: Patron is notified
HL->HL: Patron collects the item
note left of ReCAP: If item is not available in LAS?
RECAP->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message
SCSB->HL: Email message (new one)
#No need of any further call after initial success/failure message
2. HL>HL (HL Requesting own item, Check-in Process)
title HL->HL(Checkin Process)
Patron->HL Circ Desk: Returns the Item
note left of Alma: By Circ Desk staff
HL Circ Desk -> Alma: Discharge Item
HL Circ Desk->RECAP: Item shipped back to RECAP for Refiling(on Truck)
SCSB->SCSB: Refile processing
SCSB->SCSB: Change the request status to refiled, item status to available
SCSB->Alma: NCIP: CheckIn Item
# Change for Harvard
# Three character library code with _HD or _RD
# This is for any checkin call for Harvard owned items
3. HL>CUL (HL Requesting CUL Item)
title HL -> CUL (HL Requesting CUL Item)
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
SCSB->SCSB: Validate the request
note left of SCSB: if not available in SCSB or any issues
SCSB->HL(ILLIAD): Success(real time)/failure
note left of HL(ILLIAD): If failure
SCSB-> HL(ILLIAD): Failure Message
note left of HL(ILLIAD): If Success
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->SCSB: Make the item in SCSB not available(real time)
SCSB->HL(Alma):NCIP AcceptItem call
HL(Alma)->SCSB: Success Response
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item is available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place Retrieval Item Order into LAS Q
SCSB->CUL: SIP2 Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->HL(Alma): Place the item for shipment
HL->HL(Alma): Staff discharge the item at destination, place on hold shelf
HL->HL: Patron is notified
HL->HL: Patron collects the item
note left of RECAP LAS: if not available
SCSB->HL(Alma): Email Notification (Change from PUL)
# HTC to Findout the frequency
RECAP LAS->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message
SCSB->HL : Email Notification saying request has been cancelled
#No Discharge call, discharge call only for Harvard owned items?
4. HL>CUL (HL Requesting CUL Item, Check-In Process)
title HL -> CUL (HL Requesting CUL Item, CheckIn Process)
Patron->HL Circ Desk: Returns the Item
note left of Alma: By Circ Desk staff
HL Circ Desk -> Alma: Discharge Item
HL Circ Desk->RECAP: Item shipped back to RECAP for Refiling(on Truck)
SCSB->HL(Alma): NCIP:CheckIn (slightly different from HL-HL items)
# No circ desk mapping is required
SCSB->CUL: SIP2: CheckIn
SCSB->SCSB: Change the item status to "Available"
SCSB->SCSB: re-index the item record
5. CUL>HL (CUL Requesting HL Item)
title CUL -> HL (CUL Requesting HL Item)
CUL->SCSB: SCSB Request for HL Item
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
note left of SCSB: if not available or any issues
SCSB->CUL: failure response
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->CUL: SIP2: CreateItem
SCSB->CUL: SIP2: Hold Request
CUL->SCSB: Success Response
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place Retrieval Item Order into LAS Q
SCSB->HL: NCIP: Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->CUL: Place the item for shipment
CUL->CUL: Staff dischange the item at destination, place on hold shelf
CUL->CUL: Patron is notified
CUL->CUL: Patron collects the item
note left of RECAP LAS: if item not available
SCSB->CUL: SIP2: Cancel Hold
RECAP LAS->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message
6. CUL>HL (CUL Requesting HL Item, Check-in Process)
title CUL -> HL (CUL Requesting HL Item, CheckIn Process)
Patron->CUL Circ Desk: Returns the Item
note left of CUL: By Circ Desk staff
CUL Circ Desk -> Voyager: Discharge Item
CUL Circ Desk->RECAP: Item shipped back to RECAP for Refiling(on Truck)
SCSB->HL: NCIP: CheckIn(Remote Storage checkin, same as HL->HL)
#No dischange required for HL, but PUL needs discharge call
SCSB->SCSB: Change the item status to "Available"
SCSB->SCSB: re-index the item record
7. HL>HL (HL Requesting HL Item, EDD Process)
title HL -> HL (HL Requesting HL Item, EDD)
HL(ILLIAD)->SCSB: SCSB Request for HL Item
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
note left of SCSB: if not available or any issues
SCSB->HL(ILLIAD): failure response
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place EDD Order into LAS Q using REST API of LAS
RECAP LAS->SCSB: Success /Failure
note left of RECAP LAS: if item not available
RECAP->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message & Email Notification
note left of RECAP LAS: if Success in LAS
SCSB->HL(Alma): NCIP: Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->RECAP: Digitize the item
RECAP->HL: Send an Email
# Refile/Check in process
note left of SCSB: Refile/CheckIn Process
SCSB->SCSB: Change request status as refiled and item status to available
SCSB->HL: NCIP : CheckIn ( regular)
SCSB->HL: NCIP: CheckIn Call (Remote Storage, send _RD or _HD first 3 chars for 876k)
8. CUL>HL (CUL Requesting HL Item, EDD Process)
title CUL -> HL (CUL Requesting HL Item, EDD)
CUL->SCSB: SCSB Request for HL Item
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
note left of SCSB: if not available or any issues
SCSB->CUL: failure response
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->CUL: Success Response
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place EDD Order into LAS Q
SCSB->HL: NCIP: Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->RECAP: Digitize the item
RECAP->CUL: Send an Email with scanned document
note left of RECAP LAS: if item not available
SCSB->SCSB: Changes item status back to available (discuss about this with Mike)
# Refile/Check in process
note left of SCSB: Refile/CheckIn Process
SCSB->SCSB: Change request status as refiled and item status to available
SCSB->HL: NCIP: CheckIn Call (send _RD or _HD first 3 chars for 852b)
#No discharge call for HL, but PUL would need it
9. HL -> PUL (HL Requesting PUL Item)
title HL -> PUL (HL Requesting PUL Item)
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
SCSB->SCSB: Validate the request
note left of SCSB: if not available in SCSB or any issues
SCSB->HL(ILLIAD): Success(real time)/failure
note left of HL(ILLIAD): If failure
SCSB-> HL(ILLIAD): Failure Message
note left of HL(ILLIAD): If Success
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->SCSB: Make the item in SCSB not available(real time)
SCSB->HL(Alma):NCIP AcceptItem call
HL(Alma)->SCSB: Success Response
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item is available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place Retrieval Item Order into LAS Q
SCSB->PUL: NCIP Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->HL(Alma): Place the item for shipment
HL->HL(Alma): Staff discharge the item at destination, place on hold shelf
HL->HL: Patron is notified
HL->HL: Patron collects the item
note left of RECAP LAS: if not available
SCSB->HL(Alma): Email Notification (Change from PUL, PUL we are doing NCIP CheckIn)
# HTC to Find Out the frequency
RECAP LAS->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message
SCSB->HL : Email Notification saying request has been cancelled
10. HL -> PUL (HL Requesting PUL Item, Check-In Process)
title HL -> PUL (HL Requesting PUL Item, CheckIn Process)
Patron->HL Circ Desk: Returns the Item
note left of HL: By Circ Desk staff
HL Circ Desk -> Alma: Discharge Item
HL Circ Desk->RECAP: Item shipped back to RECAP for Refiling(on Truck)
SCSB->PUL: Alma-API: Discharge
SCSB->SCSB: Change the item status to "Available"
SCSB->SCSB: re-index the item record
11. HL -> NYPL (HL Requesting NYPL Item)
title HL -> NYPL (HL Requesting NYPL Item)
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
SCSB->SCSB: Validate the request
note left of SCSB: if not available in SCSB or any issues
SCSB->HL(ILLIAD): Success(real time)/failure
note left of HL(ILLIAD): If failure
SCSB-> HL(ILLIAD): Failure Message
note left of HL(ILLIAD): If Success
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->SCSB: Make the item in SCSB not available(real time)
SCSB->HL(Alma):NCIP AcceptItem call
HL(Alma)->SCSB: Success Response
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item is available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place Retrieval Item Order into LAS Q
SCSB->NYPL: REST Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->HL(Alma): Place the item for shipment
HL->HL(Alma): Staff discharge the item at destination, place on hold shelf
HL->HL: Patron is notified
HL->HL: Patron collects the item
note left of RECAP LAS: if not available
SCSB->HL(Alma): Email Notification (Change from PUL, PUL is doing NCIP CheckIn)
# HTC to Find Out the frequency
RECAP LAS->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message
SCSB->HL : Email Notification saying request has been cancelled
#No Discharge call, discharge call only for Harvard owned items?
12. HL -> NYPL (HL Requesting NYPL Item, Check-in Process)
title HL -> NYPL (HL Requesting NYPL Item, CheckIn Process)
Patron->HL Circ Desk: Returns the Item
note left of Alma: By Circ Desk staff
HL Circ Desk -> Alma: Discharge Item
HL Circ Desk->RECAP: Item shipped back to RECAP for Refiling(on Truck)
SCSB->HL(Alma): NCIP:CheckIn (slightly different from HL-HL items)
# No circ desk mapping is required
SCSB->SCSB: Change the item status to "Available"
SCSB->SCSB: re-index the item record
13. NYPL -> HL (NYPL Requesting HL Item)
title NYPL -> HL (NYPL Requesting HL Item)
NYPL->SCSB: SCSB Request for HL Item
SCSB->SCSB: Check item availability
note left of SCSB: if not available or any issues
SCSB->NYPL: failure response
note left of SCSB: if available in SCSB
SCSB->NYPL: REST: Hold Request
NYPL->SCSB: Success Response
SCSB->ActiveMQ: Write the request Message to SCSB ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ->SCSB: SCSB will read the message
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Item available check at RECAP LAS
note left of RECAP LAS: if item available
SCSB->RECAP LAS: Place Retrieval Item Order into LAS Q
SCSB->HL: NCIP: Checkout Call
RECAP->RECAP: Execute the order
RECAP->RECAP: Get the item from Shelf
RECAP->NYPL: Place the item for shipment
NYPL->NYPL: Staff discharge the item at destination, place on hold shelf
NYPL->NYPL: Patron is notified
NYPL->NYPL: Patron collects the item
note left of RECAP LAS: if item not available
SCSB->NYPL: REST: Cancel Hold
RECAP LAS->SCSB: Get Exception
SCSB->SCSB: Keep the status of the item as unavailable \n (Currently code is rolling back the item status to available, Need a discussion with Mike
#for the above task need wider discussion with Mike
SCSB->Topic: Failure Message
14. NYPL -> HL (NYPL Requesting HL Item, Check-in Process)
title NYPL -> HL (NYPL Requesting HL Item, CheckIn Process)
Patron->NYPL Circ Desk: Returns the Item
note left of NYPL: By Circ Desk staff
#NYPL Circ Desk -> Voyager: Discharge Item
NYPL Circ Desk->RECAP: Item shipped back to RECAP for Refiling(on Truck)
SCSB->HL: NCIP: CheckIn(Remote Storage check in, same as HL->HL)
#No discharge required for HL, but PUL needs discharge call
SCSB->SCSB: Change the item status to "Available"
SCSB->SCSB: re-index the item record
, multiple selections available,
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