

Changes needed for MARC and SCSB XML to support multiple repositories

 In Phase 4, stage 2 we are making changes to SCSB to support multiple repositories. For this purpose we are proposing to add one more subfield to indicate the item location to the data field 876

 Proposed changes

Add an additional subfield with code “l” to 876 tag

<subfield code="l">Item Location</subfield>


<subfield code="l">RECAP</subfield>  // for the items at ReCAP

<subfield code="l">HD</subfield>    // for the items at Harvard Depository

Business Rules:

·        If this is present in the 876 tag, SCSB will mark the item for the given location/Repository , if not SCSB will default the item to RECAP repository

·        There is no change for the SubmitCollection functionality.  Institutions can’t update item’s location using submitcollection API.

·        To change the item’s location Institutions need to de-accession an item and re-accession at the appropriate repository location


    <datafield ind1="0" ind2="0" tag="876">         <subfield code="0">2259178</subfield>         <subfield code="3">v. 5 (1894)</subfield>         <subfield code="a">3119776</subfield>         <subfield code="h">In Library Use</subfield>         <subfield code="j">Not Charged</subfield>         <subfield code="p">32101075852192</subfield>         <subfield code="t">1</subfield>         <subfield code="x">Private</subfield>         <subfield code="z">PM</subfield>   <subfield code="l">RECAP</subfield>  //added     </datafield>


<record>     <datafield tag="876" ind1="0" ind2="0">     <subfield code="a">Local Item Id</subfield>     <subfield code="h">Use Restrictions</subfield>     <subfield code="j">Item status</subfield>     <subfield code="p">Item Barcode</subfield>     <subfield code="t">Copy Number</subfield>     <subfield code="3">Volume/Part/Year</subfield>     <subfield code="3">Volume/Part/Year</subfield> <subfield code="l">RECAP</subfield>  // Added   </datafield> </record>


  1. Initial Accession:

 Currently SCSB supporting SCSB XML format for the initial accession. More details are given at, Initial Accession

 2. Ongoing Accession

Currently SCSB is supporting both MARCXML and SCSB XML formats for ongoing accessions. Details are given at Ongoing Accession / Submit Collection (through API)

 3. Export Data Dump (through API)

<marcxml:datafield tag="876" ind1=" " ind2=" ">    <marcxml:subfield code="0">188410</marcxml:subfield> <!-- SCSB's Holdings Id -->     <marcxml:subfield code="a">240157</marcxml:subfield> <!-- SCSB's Item Id -->     <marcxml:subfield code="h"/> <!-- Use restriction -->     <marcxml:subfield code="j">Available</marcxml:subfield> <!-- Item status -->     <marcxml:subfield code="p">CU13998889</marcxml:subfield> <!-- Item barcode -->     <marcxml:subfield code="t">1</marcxml:subfield> <!-- Copy number -->     <marcxml:subfield code="x">Shared</marcxml:subfield> <!-- Collection Group Designation -->     <marcxml:subfield code="z">CU</marcxml:subfield> <!-- Customer Code -->     <marcxml:subfield code="l">RECAP</marcxml:subfield><!—Items Location --> // Added </marcxml:datafield>