Liquibase Implementation for Database Maintenance

Liquibase Implementation for Database Maintenance

Liquibase is an open-source database schema change management solution. It is used to manage revisions of SCSB database changes.
Use of Liquibase in managing SCSB database has the following features :

  1. It eliminate errors and delays when releasing new database changes.

  2. Deploy and roll back changes for specific versions without needing to know what has already been deployed.

  3. Deploy database and application changes together so they always stay in sync.

  4. Liquibase maintains verions for all the database changes and releases done.

In SCSB, liquibase scripts are maintained in three different files based on operation performed in database. They are

1.Create Script File

2. Alter Script File

3. Insert Script File

  1. Create Sript File : This file contains the sql script for creating new tables , indexes to the new table or view in the SCSB database.

  2. Alter Script File : This file contains the sql script for changing the database table column type, length. It also has the script to add or modify the constraints and index of existing table. This file also contains the script to update the field value of any table based on criteria.

  3. Insert Script File : This file contains the script to add new entry to table in SCSB Database.

A separate liquibase script file is maintained for maintaining scsb_properties_t table in Test, UAT and Production database. This file contains the insert and update sql script to add or update data in scsb_properties_t table.


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