SCSB Configuration Parameters

SCSB Configuration Parameters

Common configuration

Configuration ParameterConfiguration ValueComments

Institution Specific Configuration

Configuration ParameterConfiguration ValueComments

Archival System Configuration

Configuration ParameterConfiguration ValueComments

email.username = xxxxxxxxxx # The Username used for the SMTP server
email.password.file = /recap-vol/keys/email_pswd  # The path where the password for SMTP server file resides 
email.from = recap-support@htcindia.com  # The from email address used in the email sent out from SCSB 
email.subject = [Success] Data dump exported.  # The subject set in the email sent out from SCSB after a successful data dump export process
email.nodata.subject = [No data] Data dump export. # The subject set in the email sent out from SCSB after a data dump export process with no data 
email.smtpServer = xxxxxxxxxx  # The SMTP server address 
version.number = build.version  # The SCSB version that is displayed on the bottom left of the SCSB UI 
princeton.operator.user.id = htcsc1  # Princeton ILS' SIP authentication user id 
princeton.operator.password = xxxxxxxxxx  # Princeton ILS' SIP authentication password 
princeton.operator.location = htcsc  # Princeton ILS' Hold request location parameter 
columbia.operator.user.id = recapd2d  # Columbia ILS' SIP authentication user id 
columbia.operator.password = xxxxxxxxxx  # Columbia ILS' SIP authentication password 
columbia.operator.location = CIRCrecap  # Columbia ILS' Hold request location parameter 
nypl.operator.user.id = htc_scsb # NYPL ILS' REST API authentication user id 
nypl.operator.password = xxxxxxxxxx  # NYPL ILS' REST API authentication password 
nypl.oauth.token.api = https://isso.nypl.org/oauth/token  # NYPL ILS' REST API access URL 
external.submit.collection.input.limit = 100  # Maximum number of records that can be edited in one single submit collection API call 
nypl.polling.max.timeout = 30 # Seconds SCSB would wait for a response from NYPL after which it will log it as timed out
external.request.recall.email.subject = Recall request processed in SCSB  # The subject set in the email sent by SCSB post recall request 
external.request.recall.email.nypl.to = mkarthik1752@gmail.com  # The NYPL staff's email address to which email is sent by SCSB post recall request. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.request.recall.email.pul.to = mkarthik1752@gmail.com  # The Princeton staff's email address to which email is sent by SCSB post recall request. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.request.recall.email.cul.to = mkarthik1752@gmail.com  # The Columbia staff's email address to which email is sent by SCSB post recall request. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.request.cancel.email.recap.to = ksudhish@gmail.com  # The ReCAP staff's email address to which email is sent by SCSB post canceling of request. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.recap.assist.email.to = recap-support@htcindia.com  # The email address to which any assistance email is to be sent. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
email.updateCgd.subject = Change in Item CGD in ReCAP # The subject set in the email sent out from SCSB after the CGD is updated through the SCSB UI
email.updateCgd.to = mkarthik1752@gmail.com  #  The to email address to which email is sent out from SCSB after the CGD is updated through the SCSB UI. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.ongoing.accession.input.limit=10  # Maximum number of records that can be accessioned in one single accession API call
external.datadump.fetchtype.full=10  #  The secret parameter that enables a full data dump through the export data dump API
external.datadump.records.per.file = 50000  # Configuration to set the number of records per file exported through the data dump API
external.las.use.queue = false  # Toggle to use REST API and ActiveMQ for requests; false will allow REST and true will allow ActiveMQ
external.purge.email.address.edd.request.day.limit=60  #  The number of days post which the email addresses of Patrons who had placed an EDD request are purged
external.purge.email.address.physical.request.day.limit=90  # The number of days post which the email addresses of Patron who had placed a physical request are purged
external.submit.collection.fileprocess.pul.workdir = /data/scsb-circ/pul # The file location from where Princeton's files are picked for processing by the submit collection API
external.submit.collection.fileprocess.cul.workdir = /data/scsb-circ/cul  # The file location from where Columbia's files are picked for processing by the submit collection API
external.submit.collection.fileprocess.nypl.workdir = /data/scsb-circ/nypl  # The file location from where NYPL's files are picked for processing by the submit collection API
external.submit.collection.email.pul.to = admin@Princeton.EDU  # The Princeton staff's email address to which emails are sent after completion of the submit collection process. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.submit.collection.email.cul.to = admin@columbia.edu # The Columbia staff's email address to which emails are sent after completion of the submit collection process. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.submit.collection.email.nypl.to = admin@@nypl.org # The NYPL staff's email address to which emails are sent after completion of the submit collection process. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by comma (,)
external.submit.collection.email.subject = Submit collection completed  #  The subject sent in the email from SCSB after completion of the submit collection process
external.ils.princeton.bibdata = https://bibdata.princeton.edu/barcode/  # The Princeton API used to retrieve data for the ongoing accession process
external.ils.columbia.bibdata = https://bibdata.library.columbia.edu/barcode/  # The Columbia API used to retrieve data for the ongoing accession process
external.ils.nypl.bibdata = https://api.nypltech.org/api  # The NYPL API used to retrieve data for the ongoing process
external.ils.nypl.bibdata.parameter = /v0.1/recap/nypl-bibs?barcode={barcode}&customercode={customercode} # The NYPL API parameters to be sent concatenated with the URL above
external.app.service.logout.scsb = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com/  # The URL to which SCSB redirects after logout
external.logout.redirect.uri = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com/ # The URL to which SCSB redirects after logout
external.default.cas.service.login = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com:8080/cas/login  # The URL to which SCSB redirects after the user chooses HTC as the institution
external.default.cas.service.logout = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com:8080/cas/logout  # The URL to which SCSB redirects after CAS login session is over
external.default.cas.url.prefix = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com:8080/cas/ # The prefix of the URL used for CAS 
external.cas.PUL.service.login = xxxxxxxxxx  #  The URL to which SCSB redirects after the user chooses Princeton as the institution
external.cas.PUL.service.logout = xxxxxxxxxx # The URL to which SCSB redirects after a Princeton user logs out to end session
external.cas.PUL.url.prefix = xxxxxxxxxx #  Base URL for PUL
external.cas.CUL.service.login = xxxxxxxxxx  # The URL to which SCSB redirects after the user chooses Columbia as the institution
external.cas.CUL.service.logout = xxxxxxxxxx # The URL to which SCSB redirects after a Columbia user logs out to end session
external.cas.CUL.url.prefix = xxxxxxxxxx # Base URL for CUL
external.cas.HTC.service.login = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com:8080/cas/login # The URL to which SCSB redirects after the user chooses NYPL as the institution
external.cas.HTC.service.logout = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com:8080/cas/logout?service= # The URL to which SCSB redirects after a NYPL user logs out to end session
external.cas.HTC.url.prefix = https://tst-recap.htcinc.com:8080/cas # Base URL for HTC CAS
nypl.oauth.client.id = htc_scsb # Client Id to access NYPL's REST APIs
nypl.oauth.client.secret = xxxxxxxxxx # Client Secret phrase to access NYPL's REST APIs
nypl.oauth.resource.jwt.key-value = xxxxxxxxxx # Public key (JSON Web Token) provided by NYPL for extracting the user information from the token once the authentication is done by NYPL

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