Instructions to Export Data

Instructions to Export Data

Instructions to Export Partners Data - Here is the step by step instructions to upload data -

A)  UAT Environment

Step1:  Please navigate to the swagger link.

for eg -http://test-Link

Step 2:  Please click on authorize button

Step3:  Please click on “data-dump-rest-controller”


Step4: Please click on “Try it out”

Step 5:

Following are the input fields:

a)    collectionGroupIds: Please enter as needed

1 - Shared, 2- Open, 3 - Private

Example: 1,2,3

 b)    date:

a.     Full dump/export : date should not be given

b.     Incremental dump/export: date is required

i. we can export data of previous 10 days only

 -format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

 c)     emailToAddress: Please provide email address for notification upon completion

 d)    fetchType:

Values: 1 - Incremental, 2 - Deleted, 10 - Full Dump/export

 e)    institutionCodes:  Institution codes of data we want to export

 Example 1: PUL

Example 2: PUL,CUL

Example 3: PUL,CUL,NYPL

Important Note: If we are exporting full data, please give one institution at a time.

f)  outputFormat:  Please give as appropriate

0-    Marc xml

1-    SCSB xml

 g)    requestingInstitutionCode: Please give as appropriate

      Example 1: PUL

      Example 2: CUL

      Example 3: NYPL

 h)    transmission type: Please give as appropriate

0-    FTP

1-    HTTP

Default is FTP

A)  Production Environment

For eg -URL: https://swaggerlink

Rest all is same as UAT





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