SCSB Validate Item Request Info

SCSB Validate Item Request Info

The validate item request info API is an internal API call made by SCSB to validate the various parameters of the request item API call. This is to ensure only valid data is allowed to be processed even when the request comes through the request item API. 

    Request - Validate Item Request Informations
    API End Point : /requestItem/validateItemRequestInformations
Request - Validate Item
  "author": "", // Author information of the bibliographic record.
  "bibId": "", // Bibliographic Id of the bibliographic record.
  "callNumber": "", // Call number details to ease process of retrieval. 
  "chapterTitle": "", // Chapter title to ease fulfillment of EDD requests.
  "deliveryLocation": "PA", // Delivery location for physical retrievals.
  "emailAddress": "test@example.com", // Email address of the Patron. Mandatory in case of EDD requests.
  "endPage": "", // The end page for scanning in case of EDD requests. String input takes in any value.
  "issue": "", // Issue details to ease fulfillment of EDD requests.
  "itemBarcodes": ["PULTST54322"], // Item Barcode. Multiple values (maximum of 20) allowed separated by comma (,) as long as they belong to the same bibliographic record, have same customer code and the same availability status.
  "itemOwningInstitution": "Institution", // Item owning institution. Possible values are PUL, CUL or NYPL.
  "patronBarcode": "23333097542730", // Patron Barcode.
  "requestNotes": "", // Request Notes can be leveraged to enter any notes relevant to the request.
  "requestType": "RETRIEVAL", // Request Type can either be 'RETRIEVAL', 'RECALL' or 'EDD'. Recall can be only done on a not available, checked out item.
  "requestingInstitution": "Institution", // Requesting Institution. The institution to which the requesting patron belongs to.
  "startPage": "", // The start page for scanning in case of EDD requests. String input takes in any value.
  "titleIdentifier": "", // This is used to send titles to use during creation of temporary records.
  "trackingId": "" // NYPL's ILS generated ID initiated on their side while placing hold used as a reference to return response in SCSB.
  "username": "string", //User with Request permission
  "volume": "string" // Volume information to ease fulfillment of EDD requests.

Response - Validate Item
All request parameters are valid.Patron is eligible to raise a request	//	Success

Alternate Response - Validate Item
Please enter the valid delivery Code	// Invalid delivery code

Alternate Response - Validate Item
Item Barcode(s) not available in database.	// Invalid Item Barcode

Alternate Response - Validate Item
Patron not on file in ILS	// Invalid Patron Barcode