SCSB Request Item

SCSB Request Item

The Request Item API allows the user to raise a request (retrieve / recall / EDD) in SCSB for a valid item. The request internally makes SIP/REST calls to partner ILS's to create a bibliographic record (temporary record for cross partner borrowing), hold item, recall item (in case of recalls), charge and discharge of the records. The request information is gathered and placed in SCSB ActiveMQ from which it will be consumed by the Storage Location IMS System's ActiveMQ system to retrieve and deliver physical items to the partner ILS and to fulfill EDD requests.

Before the request information is gathered and placed in SCSB ActiveMQ, the status of the requested item is checked in the Storage Location IMS System using a REST call to check if item is available in the Storage Location IMS System. Requests are processed based on the Storage Location IMS System's item status. If the Storage Location IMS System's item status is on first scan (e.g. "Sch on REFILE WO:") for a request then the request information is gathered and saved in SCSB database with the status as 'REQUESTS PLACED ON SCH'. When the Storage Location IMS System executes its Refile process then these requests are picked up and put into a queue, and will be picked up and processed by the Storage Location IMS System as a regular request.

When a Retrieval request is made across partner institutions, a checkout call is made to the respective institution with pseudo patron barcodes shared by partners. This is also done for EDD requests.

   Request - Request Item 
   API End Point : /requestItem/requestItem

Retrieve Request

Retrieve request is the basic request placed on an available item to physically deliver it to the partner institution. As shown below, this is exemplified by the requestType value of RETRIEVAL.

Request - Request (Retrieve) Item
  "author": "", // Author information of the bibliographic record.
  "bibId": "", // Bibliographic Id of the bibliographic record.
  "callNumber": "", // Call number details to ease process of retrieval.
  "chapterTitle": "", // Chapter title to ease fulfillment of EDD requests.
  "deliveryLocation": "PA", // Delivery location for physical retrievals.
  "emailAddress": "test@example.com", // Email address of the Patron. Mandatory in case of EDD requests.
  "endPage": "", // The end page for scanning in case of EDD requests. String input takes in any value.
  "issue": "", // Issue details to ease fulfillment of EDD requests.
  "itemBarcodes": [
    "PULTST54322" // Item Barcode. Multiple values (maximum of 20) allowed separated by comma (,) as long as they belong to the same bibliographic record, have same customer code and the same availability status.
  "itemOwningInstitution": "Institution", // Item owning institution. Example values include PUL, CUL or NYPL.
  "patronBarcode": "45678913", // Patron Barcode.
  "requestNotes": "Test Request", // Request Notes can be leveraged to enter any notes relevant to the request.
  "requestType": "RETRIEVAL", // Request Type can either be 'RETRIEVAL', 'RECALL' or 'EDD'. Recall can be only done on a not available, checked out item.
  "requestingInstitution": "Institution", // Requesting Institution. The institution to which the requesting patron belongs to.
  "startPage": "", // The start page for scanning in case of EDD requests. String input takes in any value.
  "titleIdentifier": "", // This is used to send titles to use during creation of temporary records.
  "trackingId": "", // NYPL's ILS generated ID initiated on their side while placing hold used as a reference to return response in SCSB.
  "username": "admin", //User with Request permission
  "volume": "" // Volume information to ease fulfillment of EDD requests.

Recall Request

Recall request is placed when the item is not available and is checked out to another patron. As shown below, this is exemplified by the requestType value of RECALL.

Request - Request (Recall) Item
  "author": "",
  "bibId": "",
  "callNumber": "",
  "chapterTitle": "",
  "deliveryLocation": "PA",
  "emailAddress": "test@example.com",
  "endPage": "",
  "issue": "",
  "itemBarcodes": [
  "itemOwningInstitution": "Institution",
  "patronBarcode": "45678913",
  "requestNotes": "Test Request",
  "requestType": "RECALL",
  "requestingInstitution": "Institution",
  "startPage": "",
  "titleIdentifier": "",
  "trackingId": "",
  "username": "admin",
  "volume": ""

EDD Request

An EDD request is placed for Electronic Document Delivery requests. As shown below, this is exemplified by the requestType value of EDD.

Request - Request (EDD) Item
  "author": "", // Optional
  "bibId": "", // Auto populated based on item barcode
  "callNumber": "", //Auto populated based on item barcode
  "chapterTitle": "Title", //Auto populated based on item barcode
  "deliveryLocation": "PA", //Optional
  "emailAddress": "test@example.com",//Mandatory
  "endPage": "180", //Mandatory - String Data type
  "issue": "", Optional - String Data Type
  "itemBarcodes": [
  ], //Mandatory
  "itemOwningInstitution": "Institution", // //Auto populated based on item barcode
  "patronBarcode": "45678913", //Mandatory
  "requestNotes": "Test Request", //Optional -1000 character limit
  "requestType": "EDD", // Mandatory
  "requestingInstitution": "Institution", //Auto populated based on login. For users with Recap privileges, it is mandatory to input.
  "startPage": "50", // Mandatory - String Data Type
  "titleIdentifier": "", // Mandatory, also called as Article / Chapter Title on UI
  "trackingId": "", // Internally used for NYPL requests only
  "username": "admin", //Auto populated based on login
  "volume": "Vol 32" // Optional String Data Type


Responses to all the above request calls are given out as below since partner APIs give out delayed responses. The responses would be listened to, consolidated and will be broadcast over ActiveMQ.

Response - Request Item
  "patronBarcode": "45678912",
  "itemBarcodes": [
  "requestType": "RETRIVAL",
  "deliveryLocation": "PF",
  "requestingInstitution": "Institution",
  "bibliographicId": null,
  "expirationDate": "",
  "itemId": null,
  "screenMessage": "Message recevied, your request will be processed",
  "success": true,
  "emailAddress": "",
  "titleIdentifier": ""