The Deaccession API is an internal call made by SCSB to remove a record. Deaccession will only be done through the UI by users who are authorized to perform the operation. Deaccessioning an item would mark the record as removed (deleted) in the SCSB database. It will not be retrieved as part of the search results or available for requests. Any pending retrieval, recall, or EDD requests against a deaccessioned record are canceled. If an item to be deaccessioned is available in SCSB it will call IMS System's PWD (Permanent Withdrawal - Direct) API otherwise SCSB will call IMS System's PWI (Permanent Withdrawal - Indirect) API to perform deaccession.
Request - Deaccession
{ "deAccessionItems": [ { "deliveryLocation": "NA", // Customer Code of the item "itemBarcode": "33433014512432" // Item Barcode. Common across Storage Location IMS System, ILS and SCSB. } ], "LoginId": "xxxxxxxxxx" // Network Login Id of a user who is authorized to deaccession items for the partner institution. }
Response - Deaccession
{ "33433014512432": "Success" // Success }
Alternate Response - Deaccession
{ "3123213123213": "Failure - Item barcode doesn't exist in SCSB database." // Non existent item }
Alternate Response - Deaccession
{ "32101047813603": "Failure - There is a mismatch in item status between SCSB and Storage Location IMS system. Please contact Storage Location's staff (<a href=\"mailto:karthik.mohanrangan@htcindia.com\">karthik.mohanrangan@htcindia.com</a>) for further assistance." // mismatch in item status }
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