Item Availability Status
Item Availability Status
The Item Availability Status API returns the availability status of the item in SCSB. It is likely to be used in partner ILS' Discovery systems to retrieve and display item statuses. It allows multiple status retrieval by sending in multiple barcodes separated by commas.
The API returns the availability status of an item as "Available" or "Not Available". An error message gets generated if the barcode is not existing in SCSB - "Item Barcode doesn't exist in SCSB database"
Requests prior to SCSB
Items that were requested and are out of Storage Location before the SCSB system went live are also marked as 'Not Available' by SCSB. This is done by translating Storage Location IMS System's item statuses to SCSB's as defined in this sheet.
Request - Item Availability Status
{ "barcodes": [ "CU63707896", // Item barcodes separated by commas (,) "32101066358464" ] }
Response - Item Availability Status
[ { "itemBarcode": "CU63707896", "itemAvailabilityStatus": "Available", "errorMessage": null }, { "itemBarcode": "32101066358464", "itemAvailabilityStatus": "Available", "errorMessage": null } ]
Alternate Response - Item Availability Status
[ { "itemBarcode": "2132132132131", "itemAvailabilityStatus": "Item Barcode doesn't exist in SCSB database.", // On trying to retrieve status of non existent item from SCSB "errorMessage": null } ]