Release Notes SCSB v0.9.31 [Prod]

Release Notes SCSB v0.9.31 [Prod]

Commit Id, date and version

1) Tag:

             scsb-solr-client : 0.9.31

             scsb-etl : 0.9.31

             scsb-circ : 0.9.31

             scsb : 0.9.31

             scsb-shiro : 0.9.31

             scsb-ui : 0.9.31

2)  Date:

            1st August 2017

3) DB Changes:

            The DB underwent the below changes as part of different releases.

  1. RECAP-797 - Added "View and print reports" permission to "Search"
  2. RECAP-735 - Added DELETED_RECORDS_T table to capture all deleted records from transaction tables
  3. RECAP-727 - Added job for Status Reconcilation report
  4. RECAP-855 - Inserted records to job_t table for Submit collection batch job.
  5. RECAP-841 - Added NYPL stop codes. Insert and updates for records in table customer_code_t, cross_partner_mapping_t. Insert record to table delivery_restriction_cross_partner_t.
  6. RECAP-755 - Added column "STATUS" in table matchin_bib_t.
  7. RECAP-781 - Added IS_CGD_PROTECTION in table item_t.
  8. RECAP-827 - Added new table ITEM_BARCODE_HISTORY_T for maintaining deleted item record
  9. RECAP-778 - Added column INITIAL_MATCHING_DATE to the table ITEM_T.
  10. RECAP-859 - Added column CGD_CHANGE_LOG to the table ITEM_T.

4) Solr Changes:


This production release is a culmination of all tasks that were part of the previous SCSB version releases and SCSB version 0.9.31.

The individual release notes of the SCSB versions are listed under 'Test' below 'Release Notes' (Test).

A consolidated list of independent JIRAs is below.

key summary type priority status

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