

On choosing the Request radio button, the user is presented with a Show By drop down and two date pickers where a date range can be specified. The 'Show by' drop down has two options - Owning Institution and Request Type.



On the Show by Owning Institution report under request, with valid date range, the report generated is a grid with the Physical and EDD shown as two main rows and the partner institutions in the three columns. The Physical and EDD rows are further broken up into Private, Shared and Open to Self and Shared and Open to Partner. The Shared and Open to Self signifies the items that belong to Shared and Open Collection Group Designation (CGD) that are lent to the institution's own patrons. The Shared and Open to Partner signifies they items that belong to Shared and Open CGD that are lent to the institution other than their own. The numbers denote the count of requests that came in for the partners’ items.



On the Show by Request Type report under request, the user is presented with a report that breaks up the count based on the request types, viz. Retrieval, Recall and EDD across the Four partner institutions over a valid date range. The count of Recall is not part of the total since Recall requests are not retrieved until the items are refiled.