SCSB Check-out Item

SCSB Check-out Item

The Check-out Item API call is also an internal call made by SCSB as part of the request API call. After checking the availability status in storage location a check-out call is made to the item on successful placement of a request so that the item status shows up as 'Charged' rather than as 'Available' during cross partner borrowing. Similarly for EDD requests a checkout is made using respective pseudo patron barcodes for scenario's involving same institution and cross-partner requesting institution to mark items as 'Charger'/Not Available in ILS/Sierra.

Request - Check-out Item
API End Point : /requestItem/checkoutItem
Request - Check-out Item
  "itemBarcodes": [
    "PULTST54330" // Item Barcode. Common across Storage Location, ILS and SCSB.
  "itemOwningInstitution": "<Institution Code>", // Item owning Institution. Example values include PUL, CUL and NYPL.
  "patronIdentifier": "<Patron ID>" // The patron barcode issued by the partner ILS.

Response - Check-out Item
  "itemBarcode": "<Item Barcode>",
  "itemOwningInstitution": "",
  "screenMessage": "Checkout Successful.", // Success Message
  "success": true,
  "esipDataIn": "11NN20170613    08175220170613    081752AO|AA45678912|ABPULTST54330|AC|\r",
  "esipDataOut": null,
  "magneticMedia": false,
  "transactionDate": "13-06-2017 08:17:52",
  "institutionID": "",
  "patronIdentifier": "45678912",
  "titleIdentifier": "1999 : the world of tomorrow : selections from the Futurist : a journal of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future / edited by Edward Cornish.",
  "dueDate": "11-07-2017 23:00:00",
  "feeType": null,
  "securityInhibit": null,
  "currencyType": null,
  "feeAmount": null,
  "mediaType": "",
  "bibId": null,
  "jobId": null,
  "processed": false,
  "updatedDate": null,
  "createdDate": null,
  "isbn": null,
  "lccn": null,
  "renewal": true,
  "desensitize": true

Alternate Response - Check-out Item
  "itemBarcode": null,
  "itemOwningInstitution": "",
  "screenMessage": "Login Failed", // Patron Id is not available in ILS
  "success": false,
  "esipDataIn": null,
  "esipDataOut": null,
  "magneticMedia": false,
  "transactionDate": null,
  "institutionID": null,
  "patronIdentifier": null,
  "titleIdentifier": null,
  "dueDate": null,
  "feeType": null,
  "securityInhibit": null,
  "currencyType": null,
  "feeAmount": null,
  "mediaType": null,
  "bibId": null,
  "jobId": null,
  "processed": false,
  "updatedDate": null,
  "createdDate": null,
  "isbn": null,
  "lccn": null,
  "renewal": false,
  "desensitize": false
Alternate Response - Check-out Item
  "itemBarcode": "<Item Barcode>",
  "itemOwningInstitution": "",
  "screenMessage": "Item barcode not found.", // Item Barcode is not available in ILS
  "success": false,
  "esipDataIn": "11NN20170614    08235820170614    082358AO|AARECAPTST01|AB4334243243|AC|\r",
  "esipDataOut": null,
  "magneticMedia": false,
  "transactionDate": "14-06-2017 08:23:58",
  "institutionID": "",
  "patronIdentifier": "<Patron ID>",
  "titleIdentifier": "",
  "dueDate": "",
  "feeType": null,
  "securityInhibit": null,
  "currencyType": null,
  "feeAmount": null,
  "mediaType": "",
  "bibId": null,
  "jobId": null,
  "processed": false,
  "updatedDate": null,
  "createdDate": null,
  "isbn": null,
  "lccn": null,
  "renewal": false,
  "desensitize": true