SCSB Patron Information
SCSB Patron Information
The Patron Information API is used internally by SCSB as part of the request API to ascertain the validity of the patron. The patron barcode needs to be validated as an existing patron, as only an existing patron is allowed to request items.
Request - Patron Information |
API End Point : /requestItem/patronInformation |
Request - Patron Information
{ "itemOwningInstitution": "Institution", // Institution to which the Patron belongs to. Example values include PUL, CUL or NYPL. "patronIdentifier": "45678913" // Patron barcode provided by the partner institution. }
Response - Patron Information
{ "itemBarcode": null, "itemOwningInstitution": "", "screenMessage": "falsefalsefalsefalse - Patron validated successfully.", // Success - Patron found "success": true, "esipDataIn": "6300020170616 055134 AO|AA45678912|AC|AD|\r", "esipDataOut": "64 00020170616 055134000000120014000800000011AO|AA45678912|AEGuest ReCAP Test|CA0000|CB0001|BLY|BHUSD|BV0.00|CQY|BEexample@princeton.edu|BDPrinceton|AFPatron validated successfully.|PTGST|", "patronIdentifier": "45678912", "patronName": "Guest ReCAP Test", "dueDate": null, "feeType": "", "feeAmount": "0.00", "expirationDate": null, "pickupLocation": null, "itemType": "", "permanentLocation": null, "birthDate": null, "phone": null, "chargedItemsCount": 14, "chargedItemsLimit": 1, "feeLimit": null, "holdItemsCount": 0, "holdItemsLimit": -1, "unavailableHoldsCount": 11, "fineItemsCount": 8, "homeAddress": "Princeton", "items": null, "overdueItemsCount": 12, "overdueItemsLimit": 0, "pacAccessType": null, "patronGroup": "GST", "patronType": null, "status": " ", "email": "example@princeton.edu" }
Alternate Response - Patron Information
{ "itemBarcode": null, "itemOwningInstitution": "", "screenMessage": "truetruetruetrue - Patron barcode not found", // Patron not found "success": true, "esipDataIn": "6300020170616 055318 AO|AA32423432443432|AC|AD|\r", "esipDataOut": "64YYYY 00020170616 055318000000000000000000000000AO|AA32423432443432|AE|BLN|AFPatron barcode not found|PT|", "patronIdentifier": "32423432443432", "patronName": "", "dueDate": null, "feeType": "", "feeAmount": null, "expirationDate": null, "pickupLocation": null, "itemType": "", "permanentLocation": null, "birthDate": null, "phone": null, "chargedItemsCount": 0, "chargedItemsLimit": -1, "feeLimit": null, "holdItemsCount": 0, "holdItemsLimit": -1, "unavailableHoldsCount": 0, "fineItemsCount": 0, "homeAddress": null, "items": null, "overdueItemsCount": 0, "overdueItemsLimit": -1, "pacAccessType": null, "patronGroup": null, "patronType": null, "status": "YYYY ", "email": null }