SCSB Item Information
SCSB Item Information
The item information API call is made internally by SCSB as part of the request API call. In case of recalls, SCSB needs to verify that the item is in a recallable state (Item is checked out by the previous requester). The item information API retrieves information on the circulation status from the ILS along with other information which is used to ascertain the eligibility as to whether the recall request is allowed.
Request - Item Information |
API End Point : /requestItem/itemInformation |
Request - Item Information
{ "itemBarcodes": [ "PULTST54330" // Item Barcode. Common across Storage Location IMS System, ILS and SCSB ], "itemOwningInstitution": "Institution" // Item owning institution code. Possible values are PUL, CUL and NYPL. }
Response - Item Information
{ "itemBarcode": "PULTST54330", "itemOwningInstitution": "", "screenMessage": "Item Info retrieved successfully.", // Success "success": true, "esipDataIn": "1720170616 054935AO|ABPULTST54330|\r", "esipDataOut": "18103000120170616 054935CF0|AH|CJ|ABPULTST54330|AJ1999 : the world of tomorrow : selections from the Futurist : a journal of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future / edited by Edward Cornish.|BGPRINCETON|CK|AQrcpqk RECAP Music Lib.|AFItem Info retrieved successfully.|MA9959053|MB0930242041 :|MC78017612|MJ7474509|", "expirationDate": "", "titleIdentifier": "1999 : the world of tomorrow : selections from the Futurist : a journal of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future / edited by Edward Cornish.", "dueDate": "", "circulationStatus": "AVAILABLE", "securityMarker": "OTHER", "feeType": "OTHER_UNKNONW", "transactionDate": "16-06-2017 05:49:35", "holdQueueLength": "0", "holdPickupDate": "", "recallDate": "", "mediaType": null, "permanentLocation": "rcpqk RECAP Music Lib.", "currentLocation": null, "bibID": "9959053", "currencyType": "", "callNumber": null, "itemType": null, "bibIds": null, "source": null, "createdDate": null, "updatedDate": null, "deletedDate": null, "deleted": false, "isbn": null, "lccn": null, "owner": "PRINCETON" }
Alternate Response - Item Information
{ "itemBarcode": "d32423432", "itemOwningInstitution": "", "screenMessage": "Item barcode not found. Please consult library personnel for assistance.", // Non existent item "success": true, "esipDataIn": "1720170616 054814AO|ABd32423432|\r", "esipDataOut": "18100000120170616 054814ABd32423432|AJ|AFItem barcode not found. Please consult library personnel for assistance.|", "expirationDate": "", "titleIdentifier": "", "dueDate": "", "circulationStatus": "ITEM_BARCODE_NOT_FOUND", "securityMarker": "OTHER", "feeType": "OTHER_UNKNONW", "transactionDate": "16-06-2017 05:48:14", "holdQueueLength": null, "holdPickupDate": "", "recallDate": "", "mediaType": null, "permanentLocation": null, "currentLocation": null, "bibID": null, "currencyType": "", "callNumber": null, "itemType": null, "bibIds": null, "source": null, "createdDate": null, "updatedDate": null, "deletedDate": null, "deleted": false, "isbn": null, "lccn": null, "owner": null }